Thursday, May 10, 2012

VirTra Systems: Judgmental Use-Of-Force & Firearms Simulator

VirTra Systems is one of the leading manufacturers of firearms simulators.  They specialize in both military and law enforcement training, however, this blog will focus on the law enforcement training simulators.

The world can be a very dangerous place. Law enforcement officers are expected to make the correct decision, with excellent marksmanship, in split-second life-and-death situations. The better and more realistic the training, the greater the chance the trainee will succeed when lives hang in the balance and threats are real! Customers throughout the world buy our simulators for realistic training so that trainees have better chances to succeed in their missions and survive lethal encounters.

VirTra Systems simulators are one of the best when it comes to training for judgemental-use-of-force and marksmanship.  The simulators start as (highly portable) single-screen units, such as the VirTra 100 LE.  This unit is small enough that it can be placed into a classroom setting.  It comes with various scenarios that were created by veteran law enforcement officials.  Training is supported for pistols, rifles, shotguns, TASER, OC sprays, and impact devices.  An optional CO2 upgrade can be utilized to simulate the recoil of the weapons, making for a more accurate training experience.

The VirTra 100 LE is able to be upgraded, either at time of purchase or as financial budgets allow, to either the VirTra 180 LE or the VirTra 300 LE.  The VirTra 180 LE consists of three connected screens for the simulation. The highest standard for training is the VirTra 300 LE, which consists of five screens and give the trainees a 300 degree fully immersive surround of the training environment.  Combined with the optional Threat-Fire device (that simulates return fire), this simulator creates a highly realistic and intense training simulation.

There is currently a grant opportunity for VirTra Systems simulators being offered through

To learn more about these simulators you can request information from VirTra Systems and/or check out the following video:

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