This early detection makes the first responders instrumental in detecting brain injuries so that they can alert hospital staff upon arrival. Obvious signs that brain injury may have occurred include an obvious wound to the head, bleeding from the nose or ears, change in consciousness, confusion, headache, loss of balance, unequal pupil size, and slurred speech. However, these symptoms only alert first responders to the presence of brain trauma. What if it were possible to detect just how serious a brain injury was in the field?
The Infrascanner Model 2000 from Infrascan makes brain injury detection in the field a reality. The Infrascanner utilizes Near-Infrared technology to screen patients for intracranial bleeding. In as little as 2-3 minutes, the scanner can detect hematomas greater than 3.5cc in volume up to 2.5cm deep in the brain tissue. Although these quick scans are not a replacement for CT scans performed at hospitals, they do make it easier to identify high-risk patients ensuring that they are quickly transported to facility that will be able to properly treat their condition.
Infrascanners are light-weight, making them highly portable. They can be powered utilizing either a rechargable NiMH battery pack or four AA batteries. The unit turns on and off automatically by either attaching or removing disposable shields.
At this time, MedLogic is the exclusive dealer of Infrascanners in the US.