It is no secret that our country is getting larger and that more and more of our population is becoming overweight, obese, and morbidly obese. The issues that come with being a significantly larger size aren't just limited to the overweight person, their weight can also greatly affect the ability of the first responder who needs to get them to the hospital. Many ambulance companies have begun to add bariatric ambulances to their fleets. These ambulances are specially designed to carry wider stretchers that more adequately support the size and weight of obese and morbidly obese patients. Unfortunately, these specialty ambulances come with two major obstacles. There are substantial costs involved in the purchase of or transformation to a bariatric ambulance. Finding out after arrival that a bariatric ambulance is required can drastically increase the amount of time that it would take to get a patient to the hospital. BEAR-iatrics Inc has a cost-effective solution for this growing problem....The BEAR Unit. BEAR is short for Bariatric Equalizing Abdominal Restraint. This simple device allows you to turn virtually any ambulance stretcher into one that is safe to transport obese persons with. The BEAR is attached directly to the stretcher, and it is then secured around the obese patient. It works by stabilizing the abdominal mass, which makes the patient feel more secure, decreases the likelihood of them being pinched by the stretcher, and allows for ease of transport. To learn more about the BEAR unit, check out the following video:
There is also a smaller AirBEAR available for when larger patients need to be transported by air flights.
Most families have a fire extinguisher in their home. This extinguisher can be utilized to quickly and safely extinguish the majority of fires when they start in their home. Unfortunately, most adults have not had fire extinguisher training. This means that in an emergency, they won't know how to use the tools they have to help put out the fire before it quickly spreads.
Many fire departments offer training for their local residents. But, between the fire extinguishers and their discharge, the cost of such trainings can be quite expensive and messy. With the BullsEye Extinguisher Training system, those issues are soon to be in the past.
The BullsEye is a state of the art training tool that uses digital flame generation and patented sensor technology to demonstrate proper fire extinguishing techniques. It senses the location of the trainee, if the trainee has properly aimed the extinguisher and if the trainee is properly sweeping the nozzle of the extinguisher. The system varies the digital flames in response, only extinguishing the fire if the proper technique is used.
So, how does it work? The BullsEye unit uses hundreds of LEDs and an on-board microprocessor to dynamically generate digital flames. Depending on the class of fire and level of difficulty selected by the instructor, the flames will grow, diminish and respond as the trainee attempts to extinguish the simulated fire.
Trainees can fight the digital fire using either a laser-driven infrared extinguisher or a pressurized air/water SmartExtinguisher. The sensors on the BullsEye unit allow the system to interact with the trainee and detect where and how the trainee is using either style of training extinguisher. In each case, the system responds by increasing or decreasing the size of the flames in the area the user is targeting, relative to the trainee’s technique and efforts. To successfully extinguish the fire, the trainee must sweep the extinguisher across the base of the fire. If the trainee aims just below or just above the base, the flames will diminish, but will not be extinguished. If the trainee aims at only one s
ide of the fire, that side will be extinguished while the other side continues to grow.
Because the BullsEye does not utilize real flames or actual fire extinguisher discharge, it can safely be utilized for training in virtually any location and with people of varying ages. It also allows departments to easily train numerous people without having to worry about refilling standard extinguishers.
You never know when you are going to be in or come upon an emergency situation. For that reason it is important that you have a first aid/survival kit in your car and ready to go at all time...because you never know when you're going to need it.
The big question is often, what do I put in it? Or, what should I have in my car?
Seatbelt Cutter / Window Punch - These are sold separately and as a single unit. Considering there is a great possibility of needing both for the same emergency, get the single unit! Unlike the rest of your emergency kit, this item should not be kept in your trunk. This item should be kept in the center console of your vehicle...where you can easily access it if you need to cut your own seatbelt to get out of your vehicle.
Charged Cell-Phone - Generally, this item is kept on your person, not in your emergency bag. However, it is important to make sure that it is well-charged, if not fully-charged, when you get in the car. Battery life in your cell phone could mean the life or death difference of contacting 911 in an emergency.
First Aid Kit - Your first aid kit should contain band-aids, gauze pads, adhesive tape, and antibacterial spray/ointment. If you would stop to help a vehicle on the side of the road, you might also want to include a few pairs of latex gloves and a CPR mask so that you can safely provide assistance to others.
Fire Extinguisher - The chance of using an extinguisher on your own vehicle is probably a little on the slim side. But, it could happen. Or you might need it for another person's vehicle. Any extinguisher should be rated for Class B or Class C fires.
Flashlight - You should have a flashlight and extra batteries in your kit. To ensure that your flashlight will work in various situations, it should be waterproof.
Reflectors - To keep yourself safe while changing a tire or to keep others from crashing into an accident, you should set up triangle reflectors. Safety officers recommend placing 3 triangles about 35-50 feet apart so that motorists have warning they are approaching an emergency prior to being on top of them time to slow down.
Blanket - Although many people might only think to put a blanket in their personal winter emergency vehicle kit in case they got stuck on the side of the road, it can be useful during summer months as well.
These are must haves for any first responder to have in their personal vehicle in case they come upon an accident. If you are looking to pack your personal emergency kit, you should also include a non-perishable food item (like protein bars), water, jumper cables, tire sealant, and a tire gauge.
Although it's not something that is talked about, every police officer knows that each and every day they go to work it could be the last day that they get to see their family. Statistically, every 53 hours a police officer is killed in the line of duty. That is a little over 150 police officers a year that leave behind a family.
C.O.P.S. knows that it isn't just the officer who is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, the families they leave behind do too. Because of this, C.O.P.S. was founded in 1984, with the purpose of providing resources to help the families of the fallen to rebuild their lives.
The founding organization consisted of 110 members in a small local chapter. Today,
C.O.P.S. has over 50 chapters nationwide and is comprised of over 15,000 families. Members include spouses, children, siblings, significant others, and co-workers of those killed in the line of duty. Together, these local chapters offer peer support groups, national counseling programs, kids/teen programs (such as outward bound experiences and summer camps), scholarships, and assistance in attaining death benefits.
C.O.P.S. also offers extensive training opportunities for local police departments. This training gives them the tools to best handle situations such as death notifications and assisting the family.
Bob Johnson's Computer Stuff is proud to be a supporter of C.O.P.S. We work directly with police officers every day and we firmly believe that your families should be greatly assisted should they have to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Those interested in donating can contact their local chapter or donate online to the national organization.
Next week is National Police Week begins next week. This event began back in 1962 when President John F. Kennedy officially made May 15th Peace Officers Memorial Day, a day to remember fallen officers from around the nation. The week in which this memorial day falls has been since designated as Police Week. Presently, tens of thousands of officers from around the world and families of fallen officers visit Washington D.C. during police week to participate in events that centered around honoring officers who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty. There are honorary events such as the memorial service and candlelight vigil at the National Law Enforcement Memorial, which last year drew in nearly 40,000 viewers. There are also support group meetings for family's who are dealing with the loss of a loved one. There are also activities in place to raise money for fantastic organizations such as National Peace Officers' Memorial Fund and C.O.P.S.
Along with the national events that take place in Washington D.C., many departments throughout the United States put on smaller Police Week events in their city. Local events here in Dover, Delaware are being hosted by the USAF 436th Security Forces Squadron. They are going to include: Saturday May 11th, 2013Opening Ceremonies (State LEO Memorial on the Mall--Dover, DE)
Statewide Law Enforcement Parade (Dover PD to State LEO Memorial)
Law Enforcement Field Day (Show off Patrol Cars, Recruitment, Police Demos, and family and friends field day--The Greens Dover, DE adjacent to the capital)
Monday May 13th, 2013Trip to D.C. For the Official NLEOM Candlelight Vigil (Washington, D.C.)
Wednesday May 15, 2013Law Enforcement Fitness Challenge (Obstacle course--Dover AFB) $10 per person entrance fee (4 person teams)
Run in Remembrance (A mile for every LEO killed since 15 May 2012-present--Dover AFB)--Donations only.
Thursday May 16, 2013Law Enforcement Handgun Marksmen Competition (Walking Dead themed course of fire--Dover AFB CATM Firing Range) $10 per person (Singles) $20 per team (Doubles)
Friday May 17, 2013Closing Ceremonies Retreat/DSP Pipes and Drums (Dover AFB Headquarters Flag pole) 4 p.m.
Law Enforcement Ball (Statewide--Dover Downs) Rollins Center Ball room 7 p.m. To Midnight $45 tickets (Black Tie) Proceeds from all local events are being donated to C.O.P.S.